Sunday, May 18, 2014

Reading responses about Circular Ruins and Library of Babel

Circular Ruins

This short story was so confused at first.Because it felt like there were so many dreams in this story. After I read the story, I could understand why Ken mentioned about  Sisyphus.I just can't understand  Sisyphus. The myth keeps talking about him as really smart parson. However, I think he is really dumb.He just saw just short future he faced. He ends up with legendary pathetic person because of endless  punishment. The punishment is really cruel. The bad situation that keep repeats will drive person crazy.
It really reminds me my favorite movie inception.To me, dream is always interesting subject to talk. I like dream's mysterious unrealistic mood. Also, sometimes unconscious shows what our real inside is. In that aspect I thought the reading was interesting.

Library of Babel

I think the theme is really interesting. The book says there are only 25 character in the world and our life is completely depends on what book we are in. We just live life according to our book is written. Sometimes, I believe we all have fate. No matter how we try, situation just changed by fate. Sometimes I really do feel it. But, I do not want to believe that the fate is limited like this book says. I  do not want to say that I am one of the 25 character.

This book also really reminds me parallel life. Parallel life means people live parallel life with someone just like they are in same book.Many people said Lincoln and Kennedy lived parallel life. There are few evidence that their life is amazingly similar. I thought  it is really interesting and in some aspect the theory is believable. However, I hope not. I think everyone deserve their

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