Monday, March 17, 2014

Doing assignment sound

                            This is sound that I made while I am doing assignment.
                    Opening door sound means start and it ends with closing door sound.
                    You can hear sound of using color pencil, mac book and spray.

Monday, March 10, 2014


                                        Timelap video shoot  in the whole foods.

Ballet- The grace movement

Ballet -The grace movement

Friday, March 7, 2014

Graphic novel

Olaf's Make Over Show
THIS IS THE GRAPIC NOVEL I MADE. The story's heroine is the Ursla the villain character in disney's princess mermaid.The whole story is about make over of Ursla. She participates to the Olaf's make over show and the disney princesses help her. In this graphic novel, characters are introduced first. After, they dig nose the problem of Ursla. She is fat and has weird skin tone, nose and lips. Her make up is weird too.After, the novel shows how she changed. Her shape and skin tone changed by lemon detox. Make up and botox changed her face. 

The front cover is filled with girls who changed by this show. I think I should have give some effects to the title. In the back cover, Olaf and helper princesses are encourage people to participate this show!

I have used gouache to this project. I used Scott McCloud's composition ideas.In the cartoon he said use time,change and drama in composition.Therefore, I showed her change by time goes.